Tuesday, April 2, 2013

All that stuff between birth and death

So I'm almost 24 and it just scares me because I always felt like at this point in life people are supposed to have shit figured out. I mean it's not like im wandering around totally clueless, but i do feel discontent and totally in loathe of my job. I just have to remind myself (about every 30 seconds) that i am lucky to have a job at all, let alone a full time job...even if the pay is shit.

I cant help but to compare my life to other peoples and its both incredibly harmful and helpful depending on the day/hour/comparison being made. The proverbial "people" always say that you shouldnt compare yourself to other people and be the best you can be, but, like, wheres your reference point for success and failure then
? I mean if i didnt know there was better out there i would be like "LOOK AT ME MOFOS IVE GOT A JOB AND IM DOIN IT RIGHT" but i know theres better and im certainly not shouting that. I need to see people who are totally lazy and wasting their time/life to make me feel like YEAH, OKAY, I GOT THIS! but i also need to see that perfect bitch running her life like it was a fairy tale, so that I feel like WELL SHIT I NEED TO WORK HARDER, and BE BETTER!

Ive always had visions of what i wanted out of life. little images of things i deem perfect and would like them to fit together in this little perfect way, but i know it wont and ill have to sacrifice some/most of the things....i just hope in the end it was all good enough. though it wasnt what i was expecting/hoping/planning on its still GOOD or GREAT. I just want to be able to look back and be like, "wow i had no fucking clue and this is awesome" even if it was something i had no idea would happen.
insert gratuitous artsy picture (that i totally love so shut up)

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