First of all...if you get a dog that needs to be groomed then you better learn about what it takes to groom a fucking dog! Dont come in here with a matted dog and expect to keep the hair long!! For fuck sake you need to brush the dog out at LEAST once a day and dont forget about the arms, belly and ears because it does diddly shit to just brush a dogs back and only its back!
Okay so if your dog IS MATTED then DONT you fucking dare come in here and start a fucking riot about how we shaved your dog...because we didnt. we used a 1 blade which is the longest goddamn blade out there! The groomer spent an hour trying to blow the fucking matts out ...what did you do? Oh yeah you didnt brush your fucking dog!
ignorant fucking people ruin my fucking day! I wish i could just let this shit roll because you cant please everyone but for gods and my sake do NOT blame me for someting that is entriely YOUR fault. ALSO youre WELCOME for making your dog more COMFORTABLE because it is PAINFUL for a dog to be matted you ignorant twat.
Okay I feel slightly better.
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