Wednesday, January 2, 2013

ChristmASS SchmismASS

So I'm kind of always a Grinch...pretty much just my nature. But usually the holidays put me in an awesome mood (except at work...because who the hell likes working retail this time of year?!)! So this year I was set to go to Arizona on the 26th and I was so so so excited. I couldn't wait to see my family and I was looking forward to going to some awesome flea markets. But NO. flash forward to me waiting for my flight in the airport only to find out that it's cancelled and they can't get me out of Omaha (to literally ANYWHERE) until Jan. 2nd. Well eff me.
I was so upset. I cried at the desk which was a bit embarrassing. I don't get to see my parents very often and I reallllllly needed them. No one really felt that bad for me and didn't understand why I was so depressed but all of my friends either live with or live near their family so no one has any clue what it's like to not see their parents more than a couple times a year.

I was a Grinch on actual Christmas too. Certain people have been throwing traditions down the toilet without a second thought and it pisses me off. I wish I would have been better at putting on my happy face but I was too annoyed.

I need to move but I'm too freaking poor to pull the trigger on getting a place. So for now I have to settle with being the odd man out at home.

Also, I am now starting to get sick. I hate that. When it starts slowly and it's like an impending doom and there is nothing you can do to stop it.

Well the world didn't end there's always that...

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