Am I the only one that hates new years?
I mean, it's full of do-gooders, well wishers and a bunch of fat asses telling themselves excess calories are just not in the yearly planner.
its the one time of year everyone can lie to themselves...
And normally, I do. I always think to myself "SWIMSUIT SEASON" every time I open my mouth to feed it again. Every calorie I put into my body haunts me, but somehow I let myself get to this point.
Well I say NO MORE!
NO MORE haters, people who don't turn right on red, people who insist on going 5 miles per hour under the speed limit..but i digress....
NO MORE junk food. Okay, well that's not necessarily true...just in much smaller, more controlled, portions. Otherwise this may turn in to one nasty binge...
but anywayyy,
I'm a chunk.
and it needs to stop. So in order to motivate myself I have created this blog..this travesty against privacy..where I am going to willingly or not so willingly tell you all (all 3 of you) about my slip ups, my slip downs, my triumphs, my tribulations and the ultimate victory (fingers crossed, knock on wood).
so for someone who hates cooking, physical activity, the outdoors, and healthy food in general....
this is going to be a bumpy ride...and currently my waist is too thick for a seat belt...
J F C,
Mrs. Pattinson
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